At North Oak we are dedicated to “Getting it Right”.
We have formulated skin care for ALL skin types. Do you have Dry skin, Sensitive skin or skin that has been through the trials and tribulations of life?
Well, we’ve got it for you. Yes, You!!! No more guessing on what to use on your lovely skin. We’ve done all that old research and blending for you already.
Let’s do this….
Our products are created using superior, natural ingredients. When possible, we purchase from Fair Trade organizations contributing to better pay and working conditions.

At North Oak we HAVE redefined skin care…
We’ve created skin care to match everyone’s
routine and age…
We Refuse to sit in our glass bubbles…
We hit the ground running every day
Yes, we are ALL Bad-Asses.
We run households, corporations even governments. We get to run our kids to every event trying to be that “good mom”.
We use our clothes to wipe tears and noses and we convince our kids
that “mommy spit” can cure anything.
Our skin care should be as Bad-Ass as we are…

About Cheryl:
Since I’m not “young” anymore I have a long string of “been there, done that” in my life.
My early years of exploration were lived on street named “North Oak”.
North Oak Apothecary was created out of realizing that those early years are the foundation on which we build our house. That GPS coordinance you see on some of my logos will put you right on top of my dad’s house.
I have come to believe that I am innately hard wired to explore, question, challenge authority and traverse where few women have.
I like my whisky with one cube of ice. Sometimes I go to bed without removing my makeup, yes, we all do it at times…
I am a mother to three amazing men and grandma to seven beautiful beings.
My careers include 20 years as a Paramedic, Lieutenant on one of the largest Fire Departments on the East Coast and did a career change at the age of 48 into nursing.
Working in harsh environments and helping those whose medical history include a barrage of medications I began a personal goal of living holistically.
I came to understand that everything we consume or come into contact affects us on a cellular level. Medications can be lifesaving, but I also believe we need to incorporate a holistic lifestyle. Meaning, cleaner food choices, getting out into the sunshine and moving our bodies, laughing more and love even harder.
I love, truly to my core, working with people, providing a blanket (called a warm fuzzy), holding their hands, giving hope and encouragement and being the lighthouse in their storm. I listen with an open heart and soul and will always be your advocate.
I am a serious hugger, so be prepared when in my presence.
Thank you, thank you, thank you….for trusting me with your beautiful skin.
North Oak Apothecary has created a holistic line of skin care designed for you, the bad-ass woman.
We combine superior ingredients into each formulation delivering a simple product easy to use while running out the door. We live and breathe formulations based on your needs. If you are one of those women, we have done the heavy lifting for you. Allow North Oak Apothecary to make skin care a better fit into your lifestyle.